Traditional AI Data Management Challenges

With the rapid development of AI technology, data management has become one of the key factors driving its development. However, AI data management faces a series of challenges currently, which hinders the further development and application of AI technology:

  • Unclear data ownership

    Big-Tech AI companies often control the ownership of users data, which means users cannot effectively control how their data is used.

  • Data source and credibility are difficult to guarantee

    Centralized audit and data falsification kinds of issues have brought into question the authenticity and integrity of the data, seriously affecting the accuracy and reliability of the AI model.

  • Insufficient portability of data and models

    It is often difficult for users to freely transfer and share their data and models between different applications, which limits the development of personalized networks.

However, the problems above can be effectively solved by using blockchain technology:

  • Data ownership authentication

    Blockchain can provide a decentralized data ownership management system, allowing users to independently manage and authorize how their data is used.

  • The credibility of data sources guarantee

    The immutability and decentralization features of blockchain can ensure the authenticity and integrity of the data, and train the model in a decentralized manner to improve the credibility of the data. And the credibility of data can be improved through decentralized training models.

Therefore, decentralized technology can provide solutions to solve the problems of artificial intelligence data management, and can effectively improve the security and authenticity of data.

AI Makes Blockchain More Consistent with User Intentions

Web3 users often fall into various complex situations when using blockchain, which can easily lead to behavior inconsistent with their intentions, and lead to financial losses if they do not understand blockchain well enough. Actually, there are a mass of fraud incidents in the blockchain industry, which have caused huge losses to users. These fraud methods vary, including phishing, malware, smart contract vulnerabilities, and fraud through similar project names.

Actually, anything that leads a user to perform an action that is inconsistent with their intent may constitute fraud. However, due to the complexity of blockchain, it is unrealistic and inappropriate to require ordinary users to have extensive experience. MetaMask's fraud detection function is a good example of anti-fraud. It enhances users' understanding of transaction results by identifying potential fraud, providing warnings and detailed explanations, effectively preventing users from being deceived.

Integrating trained AI model into the crypto world can further enhance the capabilities of similar functions. Through in-depth interpretation and matching of user intentions, AI technology can effectively ensure that user behavior conforms to their intentions, minimize the risk of fraud, and ensure the security of user funds and information. On this background, ALIENX’s first training model aims to leverage AI technology to enhance the blockchain user experience, making it more secure and consistent with expectations of users.

AI in NFT, GameFi, SocialFi

In the Web2.0 world, AI has penetrated into all walks of life, especially in the creation of various content forms and social experiences. There are many good applications and cases. However, in the Web3.0 world, it is actually not enough.

How can NFT creators use AI to bring more creative experience to the community?

How to solve copyright issues in the AI creation process?

How will proof of humans be accomplished through blockchain technology?

How to prevent AI from doing evil on social networks?

How does AI change the production process of game developers?

How can it lower the threshold for game developers through AI, and at the same time better adapt to the development of blockchain?


We ALIENX see all these opportunities.

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