Social Airdrop

Q: vAIX 的总供应量是多少?

A: vAIX 的总供应量尚未披露,团队将在合适的时间进行公告。

Q: What is the total supply of vAIX?

A: The total supply of vAIX has not yet been revealed.The team will announce it at the appropriate time.


Q: How much does it cost to open one X-BOX?

A: To open every X-BOX, you need to have enough balance to pay for 0.0001 ETH createx service fee and real time onchain gas (Arb chain).

Q: 开 X-BOX 需要多少成本?

A: 每个 X-BOX 需要0.0001 ETH 的CreateX 服务费和实时的链上gas (Arb 链)。


Q: What is the deadline of opening X-BOXs?

A: Please open before end time: April 17th, 14:00 UTC+8.

Q: 开箱X-BOX有截止时间吗?

A: 有的,请在4月17日14:00 UTC+8前完成开箱。


Q: What should I do if I see a "purchase reverted" error when opening boxes? A: Please check your transaction status in txn, if the txn shows the transaction successfully completed, please wait for some time and refresh the page. Q: 开箱时遇到 “purchase reverted” 报错怎么办? A: 检查一下交易哈希,如果哈希中显示交易成功了,那么稍后刷新页面即可。

Last updated

Change request #12: