Node Sale


How to Participate: Check Medium Article Direct Access:


Q: Can I use one address to deposit and another address to purchase node?

A: No, please use the same address to pre-book and purchase. Example: Sasha used address A to pre-book (in ETH case), then he should also use the same address to purchase nodes.

Q: 我可以用一个地址充值然后另一个地址购买Node吗?

A: 不可以的,请确保您使用同一个地址来充值和购买(一一对应)。


Q: How many AEPs do I need to have to gain 1 Tier 4 WL spot?

A: Every 3 AEPs gains you 1 Tier 4 WL spot.

Q: 我需要持有多少个AEP才能获得一个 Tier4 白名单?

A: 每 3 个 AEP可以获得 1 个 Tier 4 白名单。


Q: How many modes can I purchase if I have a WL? Is it according to the limit of public sale?

A: No. One WL corresponds to one node in WL sale round, it has nothing to do with the limit in public sale round.

Q: 我拥有一个白名单可以买多少个节点?是按照公售轮次的上限吗?

A: 不是的。一个白名单对应白名单轮次的一个节点,与公售轮次的上限无关。


Q: In what form will the public sale round of node sales be conducted?

A: Public sale round will be on a FCFS basis.

Q: 节点售卖的公售环节是什么形式的?

A: 遵循先到先得的原则。


Q: What are the benefits for Node Operators?

A: Up to 40% of the $AIX tokens will be distributed to AI node operators. A part of it will be airdropped directly to node operators during TGE, and the remaining part will be distributed in node mining that will go online in June.

Q: 节点运行者会有哪些福利/好处?

A: 高达40%的$AIX代币会分配给节点运行者,其中一部分会在TGE时直接解锁并空投给节点运行者,剩下的部分会通过6月上线的节点挖矿进行分配。


Q: What should I do if I purchase nodes but don’t have a computer to run it/the device performance is not enough?


Users can run nodes through computers or mobile devices. As long as the device is connected to the Internet and supports the use of chrome plug-ins. For users who do not have device to run nodes, we will design a delegate mining mechanism. If users are unable to run nodes by themselves, they can delegate their nodes to other full nodes.

*More details will be announced in upcoming Medium articles.

Q: 如果我购买了节点但是没有电脑运行/设备性能不够怎么办呢?


用户可以通过电脑或者移动设备运行节点,只需要设备联网并支持使用chrome插件的都可以运行节点。 对于没有设备运行节点的用户,我们会设计委托挖矿机制,用户如果无法自主挖矿,可以委托给其他的全节点运行。



Last updated

Change request #12: