☎️Mainnet Voyage Q&A

Q: Why can't I get XP from the staking quests?

A: To participate in the Mainnet Voayge staking activity, you need to bridge your assets to ALIENX in advance, and then stake your assets on ALIENX to get XP points. This is different from the previous Staking Season activity with assets on other chains.

Q: 为什么参与质押后不能获得XP?

A: 参与Mainnet Voayge的质押活动需提前将资产桥接到ALIENX上,并在ALIENX将资产进行质押才可以获得XP积分。这与之前可质押其他链上的资产的Staking Season活动不同。

Q: Do I have to claim the Pass card or participate in the Mainnet Voyage to receive the airdrop from historical activities?

A: The Mainnet Voyage activity is independent of ALIENX's historical activities. You don't have to worry about not participating in this event affecting the airdrops received in the past events. However, we recommend that you participate in our Mainnet Voyage. This is the last airdrop activity before ALIENX's $AIX TGE. When the Mainnet Voyage finishes, we will account for all historical activities and airdrop $AIX tokens for the community.

Q: 是否领取了Pass卡并参与主网活动才能领取历史活动的空投?

A: Mainnet Voyage的活动和奖励完全独立于ALIENX的历史的活动,您不用担心不参与本次活动或不领取Pass卡会对过去活动领取空投有影响。但是我们建议您参与主网的活动,这是ALIENX TGE前的最后一场大型空投活动,结束后我们会对用户参与历史所有活动的情况进行结算并空投$AIX代币。

Q: Why can't I get rewards when participating in the Star Voyage Luck Draw?

A: You will not get nothing when participating in the Star Voyage. If you do not get any rewards, it is usually because you failed to sign your wallet when participating in the lucky draw, but XP has been consumed. Therefore, you only need to participate in the lucky draw again, and the next draw will not consume XP.

Q: 为什么参与星际夺宝活动会出现空包?

A: 参与星际夺宝活动不会出现空包情况,遇到没有获得奖励的情况一般为参与转盘抽奖的时候签名失败,但XP已经被消耗。因此您只需要再次参与转盘抽奖,下一次抽奖将不会消耗XP。

Q: Why can't my Twitter be verified?

A: If you cannot verify the retweet task when registering for the Mainnet Voyage, it is most likely due to your network or browser. You can try restarting or reinstalling the browser, or unlink the VPN, and then reverify that again.

Q: 为什么推特不能验证?

A: 注册主网活动时转发推特不能验证很大可能是您的网络或浏览器原因,可尝试重启或重新安装浏览器,或断开VPN后重新进行验证。

Q: Why can't I get the Pass card and unlock the Mainnet Voyage after I have bridged 0.001ETH?

A: Bridging assets needs to go through protocols and contracts, so it costs time. Generally, 10 to 20 minutes is required. At this time, you can check whether the "Transaction" option is in Pending status. If it is, please wait patiently.

Q: 已经桥接了0.001ETH为什么还是不能领取Pass卡并解锁主网任务?

A: 桥接资产一般通过官方桥或第三方跨链桥,资产跨链需要经过协议及合约因此需要花费一点时间,一般情况下10~20mins是需要的,这时候可以查看“Transaction”选项是否为Pending状态,如果是请耐心等待即可。

Q: When can I unstake my assets?

A: First of all, the assets of Restaking, such as cStone of StakeStone and rsETH of KelpDAO, can be unstaked at any time. For other assets, we expect to end the Staking Season activity from the end of June to the beginning of July and allow users to unstake or redeem.

Q: 什么时候可以解除质押?

A: 首先Restaking的资产譬如StakeStone的cStone及KelpDAO的rsETH是可以随时解除质押的,其他资产我们预计六月底到七月初时结束StakingSeason活动并允许用户解除质押。

Q: What is the use of fragments?

A: You can randomly obtain fragments by participating in the Star Voyage Lucky Draw for ten consecutive draws. Fragments can replace any other meteorite to convert into the Supreme NFT and share the final 0.5% $AIX prize pool.

Q: 万能碎片有什么用?

A: 你可以通过参与星际夺宝转盘抽奖10连抽随机获得万能碎片,万能碎片可以代替任何其他陨石碎片组成终极NFT并参与瓜分最终的0.5%$AIX奖池。

Q:Why does the DeTrade task remain in the Approved stage after the swap?

A:There should be a decimal precision problem. The fastest solution for the time being is to fill in the integer USDC or USDT.

Q: DeTrade任务为什么Swap后一直停留在Approved阶段?


Q:Why can I only get 5XP and 50XP for the 3-day 0.001ETH and 0.1ETH Wallet Balance tasks respectively?

A:The 0.001ETH and 0.1ETH Wallet Balance tasks are only rewarded for 3 days, and you can get 5XP and 50XP every day respectively, for a total of 15XP and 150XP.



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